Just what I need is another project right?!? I am however, excited to add this to my "to do" list. This idea comes from one of my scrapbooking idols...Becky Higgins. She has created a kit which I think will make it super easy to keep up on. The kit comes with pocket pages for photos and journaling for the whole year and a 12x12 scrapbook that says "Project 365" on the front. Cool huh?!? Instructions for the project are to take one photo each day during 2009 and then journal just a little something about the photo. I guess what excites me about the idea is that it will give our family a record of the daily stuff we do. Being a big time scrapbooker, I have always been good about taking pictures of the big stuff, creating a layout and adding my journaling. This idea would allow me to do more recording of everyday things...maybe a picture of gas prices, my daughters messy room, a pile of laundry, the book I'm currently reading, the alarm clock when I get up and of course pictures of my kids doing regular things and special things. I'm sure you could do the same thing without the kit, but the kit would make it so easy. I'm not promoting it or anything, just think it's a cool idea. There's way more info on Becky's website. (beckyhiggins.com)
I think the older I get, the more I long for little bits of information about my everyday life as a child. What a simple and pretty much stress free way to record everyday life. I'm sure my kids will thank me someday!?!
I think the older I get, the more I long for little bits of information about my everyday life as a child. What a simple and pretty much stress free way to record everyday life. I'm sure my kids will thank me someday!?!
Anyway, I started yesterday and my first is a photo of Quincy and Pagie...friends for eleven plus years...a sleepover MUST include some type of "beauty time". Last night it was manicures!! For day two I took a photo of Cade and Porter with their neighborhood sidekicks on our new trampoline. Tonight I must take a picture of Uncle Mike with all our his fireworks!
Hi Lori!
It was fun to kind of talk to you while we were figuring out the CK ordering drama. Poor Becky Higgins.
Anyhoo, I am wondering how you are organizing your 365...organization is not something I am really great at and I don't want to end up with this project in another packet like my ABC book stickers from how many years ago???? I already feel like I am behind!
Happy new year, can't wait for Tahoe.
ps- I think your blog is fabulous and I really almost fell of my chair laughing with the Thong story...oh I can see the sisters tormenting that poor boy for years to come with that one!
Great idea! Can't wait to see the finished product!!
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