I am not a marathon runner or even an around the block kind of runner. I don't like to run. I do love the role of "marathon cheerleader". I have loved standing with the kids at various mile markers along the course ready to cheer for Scott in the past two Houston Marathons. How often do kids really get to cheer for their dad...it's usually the other way around. This year I will be cheering for Scott and Brenna as they run the half-marathon together in just a couple weeks. I love that they are having this experience together. I love to hear them chat about how to best succeed. I love thinking about them on their long training runs each Saturday morning...a father and his daughter pushing each other, encouraging each other, getting to know each other just a little bit better, working together to achieve a major goal and creating amazing memories along the way. Way to go guys. I'm already so proud of you and you haven't even run the marathon yet! I'll be cheering for you the whole way!