I had a little reality check this week when Brooklynn told me that it was college night on Thursday. She was hoping to go to gather information about potential college choices. Could it be that we really have a child old enough to be researching colleges?!? I remember just a few years ago when my days were filled with play groups, peanut butter and jelly, story time, preschool, and pbskids. It was in the midst of those preschool years, that a good friend of mine, Cynthia told me to enjoy every single day because sooner than I thought, I would be sending my babies off to school. Honestly, I couldn't even imagine! Well...here I am with not one, but two high school age daughters (both of whom, are taller than me!) one daughter in junior high and two sons in elementary school and I'm seriously wondering where the years went.
Now our days are filled with marching practice and football games, oboe lessons, orchestra and band rehearsals and concerts, swim practice and swim meets, ballet rehearsals, piano lessons and practice, elementary percussion rehearsals, cub scouts, and young women activities. Soon we will add basketball coaching, practice and games to the list.
I still keep in mind the wise words from my friend Cynthia. I continue to find joy along the way and make the most of every single day, because it's true, they really do grow up way too fast.
1 comment:
OMG! They are all soooooo big lori!! Are you guys still Katy?
Kendall Hall-Higley
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